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by:  blackfireibex


adoption page
Show Name: Chocolate Surprise
Barn Name: Cadbury
Color: Chestnut with Bend-Orr Spots
Gender: mare
Height: 13.1hh
Age: 4 years
Parents: foundation
Personality: Sweet | Patient | Easily Impressed | Caring
Cadbury is a sweet little mare and is a favorite among children and foals because she is infinitely patient. She is easy to impress and loves anything that is purple, gold or chocolate. So sometimes the kids will sneak her little bits of chocolate and that makes her even happier and leads to a much better ride. She's very caring towards those who ride her and towards her friends.
Friends: Cadbury is best friends with her mate, Tropic. They are both so in love with each other and are inseparable. They do everything together. She loves his silly jokes and his intelligence. He admires her kindness and patience. Her one other buddy is Rhiannon. They are good friends.
Mate: Tropic
Lineage: [url]lineage link[/url]
•With mate

Story Link

Story: As the sun rose and the birds stretched and chirped, Tropic plucked shiny and plump apples from the towering branches above his head. Treading lightly through the wakening orchard, Tropic stopped and peeked through the branches as he heard someone else in the orchard. Through the branches, he saw Cadbury, his mate, searching for sweet apples for apple pie. Tropic short cut through several rows of apple trees and snuck up behind her ever so gently and quietly. He breathed heavily on the back of her neck to let her know of his presence. She smirked and whipped his face with her long mane. He ran off through the orchards as Cadbury followed closely behind. They raced back to the ranch, where their pie crusts awaited the sweet apples of the neighbor's orchard. The birds scattered as their gallops shook the ground beneath their powerful hooves. Flying high through the sky, Tropic dreamed about flying away from all of their troubles. As the ranch grew closer, Tropic ran faster to the kitchen. Cadbury stayed on his tail. Bringing their prized apples to the ranch hands, the ranch hands washed the shiny, voluptuous apples and sliced them into delicate slices. Carefully spreading them over the pie crust, they prepared the delightful seasonal treat for Tropic and Cadbury. Apple pie was a treat that Cadbury and Tropic enjoyed together every year. As the sweet scent of apple pie wafted through the air, their excitement for the sweet treat grew and their bellies grumbled in excitement. The bell dinged, signalling that their wait was over. The steaming pies sat on the windowsill as Tropic and Cadbury stood outside, drool dangling from their chins, eyes as big as saucers. The pies slowly cooled as Tropic and Cadbury's impatience grew. The sweetness of the apples mixed with the spice of cinnamon tempted their minds. The ranch hands gave each of the two tolters their pies outside and Tropic whinnied and stomped in excitement for the burst of flavor in his mouth. Cadbury licked her lips and pushed her pie away from Tropic, because he is notorious for stealing food. The two slowly nibbled at their pies and enjoyed their pies side by side. Tropic inched closer and closer to Cadbury's pie as she unsuspectingly ate to snag a bite of her pie. While she was taking a break from the sweetness of her apple pie, Tropic snagged a bite of her pie. Cadbury nudged him and pushed her remaining pie farther away from him. He licked his pie pan for any remaining crumbs as Cadbury still ate her pie delicately. The ranch hands stood off in the distance, watching the two playfully interact. As Tropic stared down Cadbury's pie, she could feel his piercing eyes staring deeply into her soul and monitoring her every move, waiting patiently like a hawk for a moment to swoop in and steal her pie. Cadbury licked the last remaining crumbs from her pie tin and playfully tossed it at his head. The ranch hands laughed and walked back to the kitchen to solve the problem. They pulled one remaining pie off of the kitchen counter and walked it out to the two hungry tolters. Tropic allowed Cadbury to enjoy the first bite, before delving into the sweetness of the apple pie.

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